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“Strong Mums, Strong Bubs”

Australian Nurse-Family Partnership Program (ANFPP).

The ANFPP is voluntary nurse home visiting program that supports first-time mothers pregnant with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander baby to improve their own life outcomes and those of their baby.

It aims to improve pregnancy outcomes, child health & development and parental life course.

The program is underpinned by 5 Client Centred Principles


  • Follow your heart’s desire

  • You are an expert in your own life

  • Focus on solutions

  • Focus on strengths

  • Only a small change is necessary






We are here to support mums, bubs and families to get the best possible start in life’s journey together, with a focus on:

Your Health, Your Life, Yourself and your child, Your Home, Your Family & Friends and Health and Human Services.

What’s involved?

  • Regular home visits from your own qualified nursing team from 16 weeks of pregnancy until bub is 2 years of age.

  • Help you to gain the skills to care for you and your child.

  • Ongoing tailored assistance designed to help support your individual needs and goals

  • Support resources & milestone gifts

  • Group sessions/activities and peer support.



  • First time mothers (or the first opportunity to parent)

  • Carrying an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander baby.

  • Commencement with program between 16-28 weeks pregnant

  • Living in the GV catchment area.


Give one of our Family Partnership Workers a call so you can have a yarn about how the program can help you and your baby, or someone you may know.

Phone: 5820 0000



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